Cyber Security RESOURCES

Thought leadership and customer testimonials are some of the many ways we build a community of trust. These cyber security resources highlight our recent research and success stories.

Cyber security risk management solutions from DefenseStorm.
Live Oak Bank and DefenseStorm Testimonial

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Live Oak Bank and DefenseStorm Testimonial

Learn about how Rich Friedberg, CISO, at Live Oak Bank works with DefenseStorm to face challenges in managing cyber risk & steps he is taking to protect his customers against threats.

Venture Tech 2023 Podcast: Interview with DefenseStorm CEO, Steve Soukup

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Venture Tech 2023 Podcast: Interview with DefenseStorm CEO, Steve Soukup

Learn how DefenseStorm helps your credit union drive change, and enable growth without compromising safety, by approaching cybersecurity with the same risk management disciplines you use in other areas of business.


Safeguarding Credit Unions with Threat Intelligence with Elizabeth Houser and James Bruhl

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Safeguarding Credit Unions with Threat Intelligence with Elizabeth Houser and James Bruhl

Listen to Director of Cyber Defense, Elizabeth Houser, and Director of Cyber Threat Intelligence, James Bruhl discuss with NAFCU about what threat intelligence is and why is it important to Financial Institutions.

The Role of Governance and Risk Assessment in Cybersecurity Success

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The Role of Governance and Risk Assessment in Cybersecurity Success

As the financial sector continues to embrace digital transformation, threat actors remain poised to exploit every vulnerability exposed. The ever-evolving threat landscape elicits a proactive cyber risk management solution that can pivot to address emerging threats as they materialize, and credit unions are faced with mounting pressure to prove their ability to prevent, detect, and mitigate those threats. Despite the many unique challenges and requirements in cyber risk management, credit unions can succeed in cybersecurity by establishing effective governance and utilizing risk assessments.

DefenseStorm Fraud Fusion Center Roundtable

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DefenseStorm Fraud Fusion Center Roundtable

Fraud Fusion Centers are being touted as the new, optimal strategy in the fight against fraud with collaboration from different departments who gather to share resources, technology, expertise, and data from different sectors to combat fraud effectively and proactively. As an industry leader in cybersecurity, DefenseStorm participates in peer-to-peer sharing to keep our clients informed and threat ready. Join us for the DefenseStorm Fraud Fusion Center, where experts gather in a round table discussion to share the most important and up-to-date information on cyber fraud trends, threats, best practices, and technology.
Making the Case for Proactive Cyber Fraud Prevention

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Making the Case for Proactive Cyber Fraud Prevention

Learn about the circumstances and challenges that impacted Live Oak Bank, and why they sought out a new approach to prevent cyber fraud. Erin Armstrong from Live Oak Bank, along with Adam Barrett and Eric Miller from DefenseStorm share their insights.

Fighting Fraud Webinar: The Role of Fraud Fusion Centers

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Fighting Fraud Webinar: The Role of Fraud Fusion Centers

Fraud Fusion Center are being utilized across the industry to stay ahead of Fraudsters. Join Adam Barrett and Randy Salser and learn how to join a Fraud Fusion Center and become more proactive against fraud.

From Cybersecurity to Cyber Risk Management: Put Your Risk Assessments to Work Webinar

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From Cybersecurity to Cyber Risk Management: Put Your Risk Assessments to Work Webinar

DefenseStorm’s Senior Consultant for Risk and Governance, Jessica Caballero, discusses how changing your perspective on cyber can translate into more effective practices to protect your financial institution.

More Benefit, Less Burden from Your Risk Assessment Process Webinar

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More Benefit, Less Burden from Your Risk Assessment Process Webinar

Listen to DefenseStorm’s Senior Consultant for Risk and Governance, Jessica Caballero, explain how the risk assessment is a beneficial exercise that can support and improve your financial institution’s cyber readiness and compliance efforts.

CyberFraud Overview Video

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CyberFraud Overview Video

Adam Barrett, Director of Cyber Fraud at DefenseStorm, explains how to overcome cybersecurity challenges and defend against new waves of cyber fraud.

Washington Trust Bank Spotlight Video

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Washington Trust Bank Spotlight Video

Troy Wunderlich from Washington Trust Bank explains the benefits his bank receives from DefenseStorm’s FI-focused service and solution.

Axos Bank Spotlight Video

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Axos Bank Spotlight Video

Raghu Valipireddy from Axos Bank recounts the bank’s decision process in choosing a cybersecurity partner.

Washington Trust & DefenseStorm TRAC Spotlight Video

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Washington Trust & DefenseStorm TRAC Spotlight Video

Brian Kinsley from Washington Trust Bank explains how the DefenseStorm TRAC team gives the bank support and flexibility through a co-managed platform.

Live Oak Bank Spotlight Video

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Live Oak Bank Spotlight Video

Thomas Hill from Live Oak Bank describes the benefits DefenseStorm offers as a cloud-based, FI-focused provider.

Genesee Regional Bank Spotlight Video

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Genesee Regional Bank Spotlight Video

Deanna Moore from Genesee Regional Bank details how her bank partners with DefenseStorm to make compliance a breeze.

Debunking Cybersecurity Myths Webinar

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Debunking Cybersecurity Myths Webinar

Join us for a joint webinar with CornerStone Advisors where we’ll discuss ways you can maintain cybersecurity and cybercompliance in your financial institution.